Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the W-T-H`s of good tea

I'm always asked: "Phil, you make such great tea at the tea house but when I make it at home it's not the same". Below are simple concepts to consider when brewing to maximize your enjoyment.

Water quality - filtered water is the best.  Especially important for those light tasting white and green teas.  If you`re fortunate enough to be on a well, the minerals can change the taste of your tea... sometimes for the better!
Where - atmosphere is important.  Being able to sit down, relax, and reflect on the moment will bring more enjoyment from your cup.

Temperature - different types of tea require different temperature water for optimum brewing.  Too hot can lead to a bitter brew.
Time - be careful not to over steep.  Particularly important with green and black teas that can become quite astringent after brewing for a long time.
Type of tea - every type of tea (green, white, oolong, black, herbal) has it`s own optimum brewing parameters.  Just remember, these are only recommended, play with it and come up with ones that YOU like.  Tea is personal, brewing tea is likewise.

Happiness - "don't worry, be happy" Bobby McFerrin.  Relax and enjoy the moment.  Tea is tranquil and relaxing.  Enjoying your cup means leaving all the busyness of the day behind, if only for 5 minutes.
Host - always enjoyable with good company, but also alone for self reflection.  Serve in pleasant teaware as well.  I prefer glass or clear plastic so I can watch the tea brew.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right about the Happiness part. Because when I go into WTH the atmosphere and watching the tea brew does make me put my sometimes horrid day behind. But when I am home, I am usually making tea while rushing out the door. I should not abuse the tea like that!
