Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the W-T-H`s of good tea

I'm always asked: "Phil, you make such great tea at the tea house but when I make it at home it's not the same". Below are simple concepts to consider when brewing to maximize your enjoyment.

Water quality - filtered water is the best.  Especially important for those light tasting white and green teas.  If you`re fortunate enough to be on a well, the minerals can change the taste of your tea... sometimes for the better!
Where - atmosphere is important.  Being able to sit down, relax, and reflect on the moment will bring more enjoyment from your cup.

Temperature - different types of tea require different temperature water for optimum brewing.  Too hot can lead to a bitter brew.
Time - be careful not to over steep.  Particularly important with green and black teas that can become quite astringent after brewing for a long time.
Type of tea - every type of tea (green, white, oolong, black, herbal) has it`s own optimum brewing parameters.  Just remember, these are only recommended, play with it and come up with ones that YOU like.  Tea is personal, brewing tea is likewise.

Happiness - "don't worry, be happy" Bobby McFerrin.  Relax and enjoy the moment.  Tea is tranquil and relaxing.  Enjoying your cup means leaving all the busyness of the day behind, if only for 5 minutes.
Host - always enjoyable with good company, but also alone for self reflection.  Serve in pleasant teaware as well.  I prefer glass or clear plastic so I can watch the tea brew.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Story, My Passion, My Future

So I'm starting up the blog again, that never really took off in the first place.  I thought I'd start you off with my story.
When I was born in... ok... skipping ahead 30something year to 2 years ago when my TEA story begins.  Working in corporate hell in accounting was monotonous, boring and frankly killing me.  March 16th 2009 is when that all changed for me.  It almost did kill me.  Working in a storeroom, I had a wall of boxes fall and crush me, knocking me unconscious for over 3 hours.  Multiple impact trauma left me with a moderate brain injury (concussion) and unable to walk.  Believe it or not, this was the push that got me where I am today.  I truly believe in putting a positive spin on all things that happen, and I did.
During my recovery I was initially pretty much immobile.  I started working (slowly) on my web page and started my online World Tea House company.  Mostly it was for selling to friends and family and selling our Aladdin Essential Infuser mugs.  I started learning everything I could on tea, became obsesses with it (which I later discovered was a side effect of the concussion).  I've always loved tea, knew what I thought was a lot about it, until I started my in depth research, uncovering new information daily.
After I became more mobile we started to sell our teas at a local farmers market.  At this point I had redrafted a previous business plan for a tea house from 10+ years ago.  I knew in my heart I was going to open a tea house... but where.
A year of looking for the perfect location.  Nothing panned out.  I resumed my corporate job and was even more miserable then before.  I could not do this job, both mentally and physically.  Then I met Gordon from Uncommon group and the rest is history.  I put in my notice, renovated what used to be a coffee shop and made it into a tea house.  Not exactly what I wanted, but it's a fantastic start, we have an awesome landlord (Marriott Residence Inn Hotel), and great neighbours on Argyle St. (Neptune Theatre). (above picture is Karen taking down the window paper on opening day July 10, 2010)

So that's my story, my passion is tea, not just the plant but making it fun and accessible to everyone.  We decided with our tea house we would bring tea to the next level.  Offering lea lattes, tea cider, chocolate tea lattes and even matcha prepared the traditional way.  My passion for tea exploded into the shop, reflecting on everything from the menu to the decor.  I want people to enjoy tea, to sit and relax, reflect on the moment, enjoy the place I've created for both myself and my customers.
My future is limitless.  One thing I know in my heart is all the hardship and hard work that is going into the tea house now is going to allow us to grow and serve all of HRM eventually.  We truly love our tea house, and our customers, and I think that shows in our service and our attention.
A side note that really shouldn't be on the side at all, is the support I've had from my loving family.  To my partner Karen, I would have never been able to recover without her help.  To my parents for being supportive of my every decision in life, no matter how crazy.  And to my parents-in-law, who've only been in my life the last 10 years or so but seems like I've known for ever, their unfaltering support, and for letting me marry Karen.  A huge thank you to our close knit circle of friends as well.
OK enough sap.  Had to get it out of my system.  That pretty much sums up my story on how WTH came to be.  I hope you enjoy my writings, I'm not a writer, and this is partially therapeutic in helping me push my limits brought on by my injury.
Tea saved my life, family (includes friends) keep me going, my positivity looks to the bright future.
My name is Phil Holmans and it`s my pleasure to serve and educate.